Teenage financial responsibility means more than ever in these tense economic times Some teenage financial responsibility tips come easier than others. Parents try to teach a young man or woman to fish, rather than feed them for a day. As any parent of a teen …read more »
3 Oregon Retirement Planning Tips You Should Know
Oregon retirement planning starts TODAY! Oregon retirement planning strategies are often as unique as the individual. In other words, the best Oregon retirement planning methods for one person might not do the trick for someone else. Titus Financial is here to help you plan for …read more »
Oregon College Financial Planning 101
How effective financial life planning makes paying for college easier Oregon college financial aid, scholarships and residency can be tricky. If you have a son or daughter who just graduated from high school and is ready to go a college in Oregon this fall, it …read more »
Portland Finance Tips: Taking Charge of your Finances
4 Portland finance areas you need to understand Portland finance experts can all agree on two truths: Financial success requires adaptability A financial strategy that works right now might not work tomorrow. Financial growth requires a personal touch Someone else’s financial success may not work …read more »
How Smart Is Relying On Social Security Retirement Options?
Social Security retirement plans used to be easily relied upon by workers to help pay for their retirements, but the system is much less stable today. The doomsday predictions for Social Security that say it is about to go bankrupt are overstated, but the system …read more »
Financial Life Planning vs. Wall Street
A look at why objectivity matters in the financial services sector Financial life planning is focused on doing something few services can, which is taking a business process and turning it into a personal process. Typically, finances are all about the numbers, focused on the nitty-gritty …read more »