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Advisors (55435)

Lee Amiot
Michael J Atherton
Benjamin Auckenthaler
David Auerbach
Zach Bakke
Amy Bestler
Timothy W Biekkola
Kevin Bille
Molly Binger
Jasen Braun
Eric Brenk
Amie Burnett
Lance E Butner
Leslie Cadle
Megan Anne Carlson
John D Casement
Michael Cassel
Jeremy Christensen
Margo Clarke
Jacob Damhof
Dean C Dawson
Jeffrey Dobbelmann
Jay Dobbs
Paul Anthony Dougherty
Brady Ellis
Luke Ellis
Joshua Ely
Susan Emerson
Stephanie Fairlie
John Geier
Wendy L Gillespie
Brittany Granata
Matthew Greer
Michael Gregory
Ted Hamlin
Al Hanson
Daniel Harris
Paul R Harris
Joy Henry
Christian Hillman
Miriam Hobart
Michael Howe
Greg Idelkope
Ayo Idowu
Matthew Jacobson
Cheri L Jewison
Thomas Kalb
Vivek Kaul
W Scott Kindrick
Matthew Kley
Blake Kroyer
Daniel F Kuplic
Troy Kurth
Jason A Lane
Rob M Larson
Tony S Larson
J Nathan Ledbetter
Terry Leiendecker
Adam Lukens
Tom Luxem
Natalie Luxem
Monica Luxem
Brian Macdonald
Mark Maes
Scott P Maeyaert
Tyler J Mattson
Douglas E Milbrath
Michael M Mohl
Lisa K Mulcare
David Muschenheim
Sue Nauss
Lisa Nelson
Paul Notermann
Scott Notman
Bruce Olson
David Olson
Amanda Petri
Jason Plank
Charles Pokladnik
Sharmila Prathipati
Cathy Prose
Jenny Rasmussen
Robert J Ray
Samuel Reber
Christopher Root
Bridget Root
Steven Rosvold
Matt Rosvold
Erik Rosvold
Dennis B G Rowland
Michael Ryan
Jordan Saari
Stephen T Salmon
Colin Shaughnessy
Ashley Skillman
Christopher Smith
Michael Sturgis
Aimee Sybrant
James Tabery
Nicholas Ternes
Tommy Thurin
Gregory J Thurin
Christopher Thurin
Paul Thurin
Tony Tsakakis
Alex Tuttle
Lisa Tuttle
Matthew Tuttle
Mark Vandersall
Trevor VanHeel
Daniel Ventura
Meghan Villanueva
Peter Vogel
Darya Volvatch
Seth Warren
Ryan Willaert
Nathaniel Willaert
Samantha Witthoft
Lloyd Woelfle
Paul Woolfrey
Joshua Wyman
Michelle Young
Skipping Stone Wealth
Horizon Advisors
Generations Wealth Group
Earned Wealth Advisors
Encompass Wealth Advisors
Rosvold & Associates
True Impact Wealth Advisors
Confetti Wealth
Vandersall Financial Group
Thurin, Thurin and Associates
Biekkola & Associates
Integrate Wealth Management
Summit Private Wealth Group
ForgePath Financial Group
Brick By Brick Financial Group
Twin Cities Wealth Advisors
Rohlfing, Rosvold and Associates
Larson Wealth Management
Christensen Wealth Advisory Group
Plank, Auerbach & Associates
Clarke Carlson Group
Emerson Street Financial Group
  • Ameriprise created the Client Experience Survey to give clients an opportunity to rate their satisfaction with a financial advisor or practice using a scale of 1 to 5. Each client has an opportunity to access the Ameriprise Secure Client Site and provide a rating. The client satisfaction score is an average of all client responses for that advisor or practice within a rolling 24-month period and is updated daily. There is no minimum number of responses required for an advisor or practice to receive a rating and advisors or practices may have received unfavorable ratings. Client experiences may vary, and working with any Ameriprise Financial advisor or practice is not a guarantee of future financial results. Investors should not consider the Client Experience Survey score a substitute for their own research and evaluation of a financial advisor’s or practice’s qualifications.
  • Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the CFP® certification mark, the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification mark, and the CFP® certification mark (with plaque design) logo in the United States, which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
  • Ameriprise Financial is not affiliated with any religion or faith-based financial advisor organization.
  • The Certified Military Financial Advisors program is not affiliated or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense, or any other federal or state government program. For the most current rules, regulations and laws regarding benefits offered through the federal government or Department of Defense, please consult with their websites or contact the appropriate offices directly.
  • Investment products are not insured by the FDIC, NCUA or any federal agency, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by any financial institution, and involve investment risks including possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value.
  • Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser.
  • Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its affiliates do not offer tax or legal advice. Consumers should consult with their tax advisor or attorney regarding their specific situation.
  • Securities offered by Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC.